Rimma Gerlovin, Valeriy Gerlovin, Cubic Poem-Object. Paradise-Purgatory-Hell” (1976).
2024. “Art as Demonstration.” Book presentation and lecture. Princeton University, Princeton
2024. “Art as a Form of Nation-Building in Soviet Central Asia,” Presentation at the Workshop “Drawing Concepts: Thinking via Practices & Archives of Modern Art in the Global South,” Cornell University, Ithaca
2023. “Mail Art Across Borders and Media: A Conversation Between Zanna Gilbert and Sven Spieker,” Wende Museum, Los Angeles
2023. “Art-as-Demonstration in the 1960s and Beyond: What Is Wrong with Didacticism?,” Amherst College, Amherst
2023. “Some Notes on How Eastern European Artists Responded to the American Civil Rights Movement (Tamás Szentjóby, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Carlfriedrich Claus),” Conference Hot Art/Cold War, Poznań (Poland)
2023. “Kunst und Zerstörung.” Symposium Lob der Lücke,” Vienna, Austria
2022. “CROSSFADE – Dispersal dynamics in processes of migration and population expansion.” Discussion with artist Mario Asef at Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin [online]
2022. “The Migrant’s Hand: Between Archive and Demonstration in Sylvain George’s Qu’ils reposent en révolte (Figures de guerre.” Carpintarias de São Lázaro, Lisbon, Portugal
2021. “Socialist Exhibition Cultures. International Art Exhibitions in the Socialist World, 1950–1990,” Conference The Soviet Project of World Literature and its Legacies, Zentrum für Literaturforschung, Berlin
2021. “Moscow Unofficial Art as Pedagogy: Ilya Kabakov.” Munich University, Germany [online]
2020. “’Destroy, She Said’: The Archive Between Archivophilia and Archivophobia” Artpool, Budapest, Hungary
2019. “Didaktische und akusmatische Performance in den 1960er Jahren: Robert Morris.“ University of Lüneburg (Germany)
2019. “The Art of the Archive,” Conference “The Whole Life: Archives and Reality,” HKW, Dresden
2019. “The ‘Dialectical Document’ in Eastern European Art of the 1960s and ‘70s.” NYU Abu Dhabi (UAE)
2019. “Demonstrative Modes of Exhibition in Eastern Europe During the 1960s and ‘70s.” University of Iasi (Romania)
2019. “The After-Archive. Notes on Contemporary Art.” Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
2019. “Russian Art Between Pop and Stalin,” Konstanz University (Germany)
2018. “Foreign Language and Utopia in Eastern European Neo-Avantgarde Art of the 1960s and ‘70s.” Conference Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art at Piotr Piotrowski Center, Poznań University (Poland)
2018. “‘Drawing with One’s Eyes Closed’: Notes on Hands and Blindness in Geta Brātescu’s Early Work.” Invited Lecture at Hauser & Wirth Gallery, Los Angeles
2017. Invited Workshop on Photography and the Archive at Kunsthochshule Braunschweig (Germany)
2017. “Art as Instruction: Didactic Arts.” University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2016. “The Dialectical Document in Eastern European Art of the 1970s and ’80s.” Conference Doing Performance Art History: Performance in Eastern Europe, Zurich University
2016. “Petr Pavlensky: Überlegungen zu Kunst und öffentlichem Raum in Russland.” Humboldt Universität, Berlin
2016. “Dmitry A. Prigov. Didactic Artist.” 6th International Prigov Conference, Institute for Russian Literature, Saint Petersburg (Russia)
2016. “Memory in the Epoch of the Anthropocene: Notes on the Post-Archive,” Errant Sound, Berlin.
2016. “Obama in Berlin: Of Para-Sites and Hospitality,” (Video Perfomance and lecture), Berlin. https://www.obamainberlin.com/of-para-sites-and-hospitality. Accessed 06/03/2017.
2016. “Creating an Antagonistic Politics in Russia: Notes on Petr Pavlensky.” Conference Art Into Public Spaces, University of Maryland.
2016. Co-taught 2-day seminar at the on the topic of “Didactic Arts,” University of Regensburg (Germany)
2016. “Back and Front: Realisms in Unofficial Soviet Painting of the 1970s and ’80s (E. Bulatov, Vasiliev),” Princeton University.
2015. “Strategies of Self-Archiving in Russia and Eastern Europe Before 1989 and After,” New York University, New York.
2015. “Some Additional Notes on Malevich’s Writings on Film,” Symposium Essays in the History of Modernity, VAC Foundation, Moscow.
2015. Presentation at the Roundtable Art Historiography in the Global Margins (A. Alberro/K. Benezra, conv.), New York University, New York City, USA.
2015. “Das Gedächtnis im Anthropozän: Notizen zum Post-Archiv,” Conference An den Grenzen der Archive, Hochschule für Medien, Cologne (Germany).
2015. “Of Files and Folders: On Archives and Containment,” Symposium Remediating the Archive: Image-Word-Archive-New Directions, New York University, New York City.
2015. “Archives and Networks in Conceptual Art of the 1960s and ’70s (East/West),” University of Tübingen (Germany).
2014. “Print/Online Publishing and the Challenges of Trans-Nationalism,“ Presentation at the Workshop “Art Publishing Today” at the Roski School of Fine Arts, USC.
2014. “Das Gedächtnis im Anthropozän: Notizen zum Post-Archiv,” Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart/Merz Akademie [Reihe tell.net] (Germany). Audio: http://www.stadtbuecherei- stuttgart-audio.de/tell_net/spieker2014.mp3
2014. “The Post-Archive Condition in Contemporary Art,” Conference Future Present: Archives in an Expanded Field, Strelka Institute, Moscow.
2014. “Print/Online Publishing and the Challenges of Trans-Nationalism.“ Invited presentation at the workshop Transnational Collaborative Criticism on Art and Visual Culture at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass.
2014. “The Post-Archive Condition: Notes Towards an Understanding of ‘Archiving’ in Contemporary Art.’” Conference Desclasificar el archivo: teorías, materialidades y prácticas at Pontifica Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile.
2014. Invited Presentation at the conference “Critical Machines” at American University, Beirut (Lebanon). http://www.aub.edu.lb/art_galleries/current/Pages/critical-machines- conf.aspx
2013. “Critical Writing About Global Art and Art in Eastern Europe Today.” Presentation at a public forum organized to mark the publication of ARTMargins print at 392RMEIL392 art space, Beirut (Lebanon)
2013. “’Chasing Ice:’ Super-Ecologism, Global Warming, and the Wired World. Conference Archives of the Arctic at Humboldt University, Berlin. https://www.slawistik.hu-berlin.de/arcticarchives
2013. “The Politics of Ignorance. Didactic Activism in Contemporary Russian Art.” Lecture at the Institute for Slavic Studies, Humboldt University (Berlin)
2013 “Seeing Studies,” or How to Resist Global Translation. Conference Beyond Evidence. The Documentary in Art. Free University Berlin, Berlin (Germany) Evening lecture. See: http://tonargumente.org/tag/daniela-hahn/
2013. “Un-Knowing, Getting Lost, Linking Points in Space: The New Archival Practice.” Lecture at the Workshop “Archive Building,” Copenhagen University, Copenhagen (Denmark)
2013. “Do Not Worry: Muntadas’ Constructions of Fear.” Presentation at the opening of the exhibition Muntadas: La construcción del miedo at Periférico Center for Contemporary Art, Caracas (Venezuela)
2013. “The Post-Archive Condition: Notes Towards an Understanding of ‘Archiving’ in Contemporary Art.” Public lecture at Periférico Center for Contemporary Art, Caracas (V enezuela)
2013. “Un-Knowing, Getting Lost, Linking Points in Space: The New Archival Practice.” Lecture at the Workshop “Archive Building,” Copenhagen University, Copenhagen (Denmark).
2012. “Affective Pedagogies: On Lecture Performance in Contemporary Art from Eastern Europe.” Conference Ethos and Pathos, Konstanz University.
2012. “The Education Turn in contemporary Art,” Melbourne University, Melbourne.
2012. “Education in the Expanded Field: Art and School.” Forum Lecture at the Faculty of Art and Design Monash University, Melbourne.
2012. “Education in the Expanded Field: Art and School.” Lecture at the conference The Liquid Archive at the Faculty of Art and Design Monash University, Melbourne.
2012. “Unknowing, Getting Lost, Linking Points in Space: The New Archival Practice.” Lecture at the Power Institute, University of Sydney.
2012. Led 3-day Workshop at the Center for Photography, Minsk (Belarus).
2012. Led seminar on the subject of archives in contemporary art at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
2012. “Unknowing, Getting Lost, Linking Points in Space: The New Archival Practice.” Lecture at New Europe College, Bucharest.
2012. “Education in the Expanded Field: Pedagogy as Poetics in Contemporary Art.” Lecture at New Europe College, Bucharest.
2012. Presentation on the occasion of the exhibition The Future Archive at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin.
2012. “The Politics of Ignorance: Critical Pedagogy as Poetics in the Chto delat’ collective.” Lecture at Princeton University.
2011. “The Nomadic Archive.” Lecture at the Conference The Subject of Archives at Jahwaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (organized by Asia Art Archive). Video link: http://www.aaa.org.hk/Collection/CollectionOnline/SpecialCollectionItem/2988
2011. Moderated panel discussion with Todd Porterfield, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Ranjana Khanna. International conference n the Wake of the Global Turn: Art History Without Borders, at the Clark Institute Williamstown/Mass. Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezeq9_reJR0
2011. “Eastern Nomadism: Eastern Europe Global.” Conference “Recuperating the Invisible Past. Perspectives and Ways of Dealing with the Complexity of Art History of the 1960’s – 1980’s in Eastern Europe.” Lecture at the Center for Contemporary Art, Riga.
2011. Participant in the Workshop on “Multiple and Comparable Modernities” at the Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, MA)
2011.”Eastern Nomadism: Eastern Europe Global.” Presentation at the conference “Unfolding Narratives: Art Histories in East-Central Europe After 1989” at New European College, Bucharest. Organized in cooperation with Clark Art Institute (Williamstown/Mass.).
2011. “Muntada’s Entropic Archives.” Conference The Archive as Project., Warsaw. Video link: http://vimeo.com/24563162
2010. “Introduction to the General Theory of [a] Place:” Some Remarks On the Autonomy of Art and the Critique of Institutions in Polish Art of the Mid-1960s and ‘70s.” Conference “New Histories of Modern Art: The East European Avantgardes.” Lecture at University of Chicago.
2010. “Notation in a Historical Perspective.” Panel address on the occasion of Hubertus von Amelunxen’s residence at UC Santa Barbara.
2010. Participant in the symposium “Thinking Art History in East-Central Europe,” Institute of Art History at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (Estonia). A joint seminar hosted by the Research and Academic Program at the Clark Art Institute and the Institute of Art History of the Estonian Academy of Arts.
2010. Participant in the symposium “Rewriting Art History in Eastern Europe: Art History on the Disciplinary Map in East-Central Europe.” Moravian Gallery, Brno. Organized in cooperation with Masaryk University Brno and Clark Art Institute.
2010. “Failure” in Włodzimierz Borowski’s Performance Work.“ Lecture at the Włodzimierz Borowski conference at Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej (Warsaw). Video link: https://vimeo.com/19975105. Panel discussion with Rachel Haidu, Klara Kemp- Wekch, Luiza Nader: Video link: https://vimeo.com/22390650
2010. “Radical Inactivism: Gilles Deleuze on Inert Motion in Francis Bacon’s Painting (Logique de la Sensation).” Conference “Synaesthesia and Kinaesthetics”. Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin.
2009. “‘Delirium’ in Recent Russian Conceptual Art (Pepperstein/Anufriev).” Seminar held at the University of Bremen.
2009. “Archive vs. Database in Conceptual Art of the 1960s and 70s (East/West).” Lecture at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid. Audio link: http://www.podcast.de/episode/224236251/The%2B%2527Archive%2BDefense%2527. %2BHistories%2Bof%2BInformation/
2009. “Difference and Russian Modernism: The Case of Malevich.” Conference Spuren der Avantgarde: Theatrum Oeconomicum at the Free University, Berlin.
2009. “Photomontage and Archival Order in 20th-Century Photography.” Lecture at Reed College. Portland/OR.
2009. “The Artist as Vertreter: “’Whoever Wants to Be an Artist Shall Step Forward’ (RE: Kippenberger’s Büro).” Conference The Office in the Studio. The Administration of Modernism at the University of Jena/Germany.
2009. “Signs on Paper: Interventions in the Administrative Counter-Sublime (1912- 1932).” Lecture at the Royal Library, Stockholm. Video link: http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/video/Arkivets-estetiska-praktiker2/
2009. “Warenökonomie und semiotischer Austausch in der Avant-Garde.” Workshop Spuren der Avantgarde: Theatrum Oeconomicum at the Free University Berlin.
2008. “Gorging on Images: The Archive in 20th-Century Photography.” Lecture at New York University, New York/NY.
2006. “Zerstreuende Versenkung: Walter Benjamins unterbrechende Sicht auf die historischen Avantgarden.” Walter Benjamin Conference, Berlin.
2006. “Hybridity and Unreadability in Tarkovsky’s Films.” Conference Hybridity in Russian Culture at the University of Konstanz/Germany.
2005. “Das Bild hinter dem Bild : Die off/on Ästhetik der historischen Avantgarde.” Lecture at the University of Regensburg/Germany.
2005. “Die Avantgarde als Experimentallabor.” Conference “Spuren der Avantgarde: Theatrum Machinarum” at the Free University, Berlin.
2004. “L’image numérique dans l’espace: Ilya Kabakov avec Jeffrey Shaw.” Conference L’art et le numérique in Cérisy-la-Salle/France. Spieker, Curriculum vitae 15
2004. “Der Surrealismus im Büro: Verwaltung der Kunst und Kunst der Verwaltung.” Conference Surrealism Today at the University of Düsseldorf.
2003. “Rodchenko’s Files or: The Birth of Modernism from the Bureaucracy.” Alexander Rodchenko Symposium at the Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley/CA.
2003. “Archives of Modernism.” Lecture at the Tanzquartier: Factory Season Project, Museumsquartier Wien, Vienna.
2003. “Sublimacija i de-sublimacija medij v stalinizme: kontrol ‘i vlast’.” Conference Sowjetmacht und Medien at the University of Bielefeld/Germany.
2003. “The Archeology of the Modern Archive.” Lecture at the Center of Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw.
2003. “El Lissitzkys Demonstrationsräume für abstrakte Kunst: Zwischen Museum und Büro.” Conference Bild und Schrift im historischen Wandel at the Center for the Study of Literature (Literaturzentrum), Berlin.
2002. “Die Ablagekur, oder: Wo Es war, soll Archiv werden: Le Corbusiers Bürokarteien.” Conference Kinetographien at Humboldt University.
2002. “Schock und Ablage: Le Corbusiers Bürokarteien”, Workshop Zwischenräume at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
2000. “‘Symptômes sans abri’: archives et trauma.” Conference La rupture dans l’art at the Musée du Louvre, Paris.
2000. “L’amnésie topographique. L’Atlas de Gerhard Richter”. Symposium Voilà / Le monde dans la tête at the Musée de l’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.