My research focuses on transnational modern and contemporary art, with a focus on Eastern Europe, Soviet and post-Soviet space, and Central Asia. I’m also interested in aesthetic theory at the intersection of philosophy and decolonization. I have published about diverse topics including the archive and contemporary media theory; destruction in art; the problem of acousmatic sound; as well as 19th- and 20th-century European literature and film. I am the founding editor of ARTMargins Online and ARTMargins Print Journal as well as a co-founder of the Working Group Cultures of World Socialism. My experience as a curator includes an exhibition of East-German artist Ruth-Wolf Rehfeldt at the National Gallery in Tirana, Albania. Honors and awards have included fellowships at the Stanford Humanities Center, the Society for the Humanities at Cornell, and the Literaturzentrum, Berlin.
My books and articles have appeared in English, German, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Albanian, and Polish. My most recent book publications are a co-edited volume about sound in art and culture (Akusmatik als Labor: Kultur/Kunst/Medien, ed. with Mario Asef, 2023) and the monograph Art as Demonstration: A Revolutionary Recasting of Knowledge (MIT Press, 2024). Forthcoming is Socialist Exhibition Cultures. International Art Exhibitions in the Socialist World, 1950-1990 (ed., Toronto University Press).