I founded ARTMargins in 1999. ARTMargins is a publication with an online outlet (ARTMargins Online) and a print outlet (ARTMargins Print Journal). Both have distinct content but share an interest in publishing research, criticism, and artistic projects that advance our understandings of post-socialism, postmodernism, and postcolonialism, within the framework of a global art history. ARTMargins explores the shifting geo-political, aesthetic, and economic configurations that shape the art production in the margins, attending to narratives and territories that have been excluded from contemporary art history. For more information go to www.artmargins.com.
ARTMargins Online (www.artmargins.com) publishes interviews, essays, reviews, and podcasts devoted to contemporary art, with a non-exclusive focus on East-Central Europe and countries of the former Eastern Bloc.
ARTMargins Print (MIT Press) is a peer-reviewed triquarterly academic journal devoted to contemporary art in a global context. For more information about ARTMargins Print go to: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/artm.